This dataset contains multibeam bathymetry, uncertainty, and backscatter GeoTiffs with 1×1 meter cell size represent water depth and acoustic intensity of the seafloor from the Phase III Long Island Sound Benthic Habitat Priority Areas of Interest in the Long Island Sound. These datasets were surveyed by NOAA Ship Nancy Foster R-352 in 2015 using 400 khz Reson 7125 multibeam sonars in coordination with the NOAA Biogeography Branch and the Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping Branch. The multibeam was corrected, calibrated, and integrated into a seamless 32-bit raster using CARIS and ArcGIS. Backscatter data was collected and mosaicked into a raster using Fledermaus Geocoder Toolbox, ArcGIS 10.4, and PCI Geomatica 2016 software at the Biogeography Branch by NOAA contractors.
Bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data collected in Long Island Sound for the Phase III Long Island Sound Seafloor Mapping Project 2015 (NCEI Accession 0167532)
- Published on:
- Science Area(s): Ecological and Biogeographic Assessments, Habitat Mapping, Marine Spatial Ecology
- Region(s) of Study: Atlantic Ocean, Connecticut, New York, U.S. States and Territories, Waterbodies
- Primary Contact(s):,,
Battista, T., W. Sautter, and R. Husted
Battista, T., W. Sautter, and R. Husted
Data/Report Type:
NCEI Data Archive Accession
NCEI Data Archive Accession
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