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Can seagrass save the world's coral reefs? - thestar.com

Published on: 07/24/2012
Research Area(s): Coastal Change
Region(s) of Study: Foreign Countries / Australia

Does seagrass hold the secret to saving the world's coral reefs from extinction?

A team of scientists from the U.K. and Australia seem to think so, testing the theory that the photosynthetic rates of the flowering underwater plant can make seawater less acidic.

Ocean acidification is caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is then absorbed by the seawater. The high acidity causes coral reefs to erode, resulting in fewer and weaker reefs around the world. In turn, the food supply, ecosystem, tourism and communities whose economies depend on oceans are threatened.

While the world's scientists are racing against time to reduce carbon emissions, few have looked at primitive seagrass as a possible solution to reef deterioration.

Until now.

via Can seagrass save the world's coral reefs? - thestar.com.

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