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Trophic Transfer and Effects of HAB Toxins in Alas...

This project aims to determine harmful algal bloom species composition and cell densities in Alaskan waters, and to model toxin transfer pathways to zooplankton, shellfish, finfish, and marine mammals, and ...


Public Reporting Tool Helps Long Island’s Suffolk ...

Brown tides and other harmful algal blooms (HABs) are becoming a recurrent seasonal issue in the coastal waters of New York’s Suffolk County. A NCCOS brown tide research project provided ...

Urea-based Fertilizer Promotes Blue-Green Algal Bl...

Figure 1. The MERHAB Autonomous Research Vessel In-situ (MARVIN) deployed in Sarasota Bay in 2009. Credit FWC. A recent NCCOS-supported study observed that urea inputs into Sarasota Bay, FL influenced ...

HAB Toxin of Unknown Origin Linked to a Dinoflagel...

Dinophysis norvegica. Credit WHOI. The biological source of Dihydrodinopyhysistoxin-1 (aka dihydro-DTX1), a toxin that causes diarrhetic shellfish poisoning and once described from a marine sponge, is of yet unknown. In ...

Co-occurrence of Different HAB Toxins Detected in ...

NCCOS-sponsored research has documented the presence of three harmful algal bloom (HAB) toxins at seven different locations, about 18 to 33 miles apart, off the coast of southern California. All ...

Algae with Mixed Feeding Capabilities May have Adv...

New NCCOS-sponsored research shows the importance of “mixotrophy”—the ability to photosynthesize like a plant and consume like an animal—to the growth of some single-celled organisms, such as the toxic dinoflagellate ...

Environmental Variables Influence Toxic Ciguatera ...

Anew study describes optimal growth conditions for several species and strains of the benthic marine dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus and highlights how these species and strains respond differently to varying levels of ...

Harmful Algal Cyst Mapping in Washington Shows 10-...

An unprecedented bloom of the harmful alga Alexandrium occurred during Fall 2014 in Quilcene Bay, Hood Canal, Puget Sound, WA; the outbreak contaminated shellfish with potent biotoxins that can cause ...

Origins of Harmful Alga Scourge in Pacific Northwe...

Researchers have identified the oceanographic causes and routes for the harmful alga Pseudo-nitzschia in offshore waters of the Pacific Northwest. The team's validated model shows that toxic Pseudo-nitzschia cells arrive ...


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