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Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems of American Samoa

We are investigating American Samoa’s mesophotic coral ecosystems (40–100 meters or ~130–330 feet deep) to better understand them and their relationship to shallower reefs. Nearly 80 percent of coral reef ...

National Coral Reef Institute (NCRI)

Researchers at the National Coral Reef Institute (NCRI) are exploring scientifically sound approaches to understand, assess, monitor, restore and mitigate injured coral reefs. NCRI is recognized by NOAA as one ...

National Coral Reef Monitoring Program Implementat...

The National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) is a framework for conducting sustained observations of biological, climate, and socioeconomic indicators at 10 priority coral reefs across the U.S. and its ...

National Inventory of Deep-sea Corals and Sponges:...

We are working in support of NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program to locate, map, and characterize deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems throughout U.S. and international waters. Information ...

Prioritizing Sites for Coral Reef Conservation in ...

This project began in October 2013 and was completed in October 2016. We used existing and newly collected data, including local diver knowledge, to develop a map-based decision support tool ...

Recovery Horizon Projections for Ship Groundings o...

Ship groundings cause extensive physical destruction to coral reefs, and subsequent recovery can be complicated and prolonged. In this project, we specifically address how coral recruitment and survival interact with ...

Research to Support Management of the Flower Garde...

We conducted an assessment of biological resources in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, to serve as the basis for future sanctuary management decisions. This baseline assessment will also ...

Shallow-water Benthic Habitat Mapping of Northeast...

We developed benthic habitat maps for shallow coral reef areas (< 35 m) around Northeast Puerto Rico and Culebra Island. These maps are helping scientists and local managers develop place-based ...

Spatial Characterization to Support Development of...

We synthesized data to support development of an integrated management plan for Puerto Rico’s Northeast Marine Corridor. We used spatial data to characterize the area, identify priority biological and ecological ...

Technical Support for Inception of Florida DEP Cor...

Eutrophication is the over-abundance of nutrients in a body of water that results in harmful algal blooms, fish kills, and in some cases ecosystem collapse. In coral reef ecosystems, excess ...


Giant Barrel Sponges at Dry Tortugas and Pulley Ri...

NOAA-sponsored scientists studying the potential connectivity of the giant barrel sponges of Pulley Ridge to other reefs in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida Reef tract found that of the ...

How do Light-dependent Mesophotic Corals Survive a...

The ability of deep, light dependent mesophotic corals to grow in low-light conditions is a poorly understood realm of biology. Research, sponsored in part by NCCOS, found that the ability ...

First Book on Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems Publishe...

Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems is the primary source for a basic understanding of mesophotic coral ecosystems. Credit Springer The first book on Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems has been published by Springer. NCCOS ...

Report Describes Socioeconomics of Human Communiti...

Summary findings for USVI, 2017. Credit: NOAA CRCP. The National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) recently published human dimension information related to coral reef resources in the U.S. Virgin Islands ...

Expedition Begins to Investigate Coral Ecosystem C...

Mesophotic coral ecosystem at Geyer Bank (~105 feet deep) in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Credit: Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS) and University of North Carolina at Wilmington, ...

Acoustic Monitoring Reveals Hurricane Maria's Impa...

Students from the University of Puerto Rico service one of the project's acoustic recording devices, known as a hydrophone. Credit: Rebecca Becicka, University of Puerto Rico. Passive listening devices placed ...

NCCOS Leads Key Topics at International Coral Reef...

This week, staff from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) led special sessions and gave individual presentations at the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium in Honolulu, Hawaii. The ...

Emerging Techniques Help Guide Coral Reef Manageme...

Although coral reefs are in rapid decline in most regions, new natural and social science research sponsored by NCCOS is helping to support successful coral reef management strategies and interventions ...

Ocean scientists find how size of Coral Triangle m...

A new study of Asia's Coral Triangle, which contains nearly 30 percent of the world's reefs, shows that when it comes to ensuring a rich and diverse range of species, ...

NOAA-supported Coral Reef Institute Finds Home in ...

On September 27, Nova Southeastern University officially opens a new research facility, the 86,000-square-foot Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Ecosystems Science Research, which will host local, national, and international ...


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