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NCCOS HAB Partner Honored by White House

On June 25, NCCOS HAB Program partner Dr. Julia K. Parrish was honored as a Champion of Change by the White House. Dr. Parrish is the founder and executive director ...

West Coast Harmful Algal Bloom Observing System De...

A recently published research paper describes the minimum requirements for an effective harmful algal bloom (HAB) observing system for the U.S. west coast to mitigate HAB impacts. HAB observing systems ...

Extreme Weather: A Mixed Bag for Dead Zones | WRI ...

This post was co-authored with Bob Diaz, a WRI partner and professor at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. This year's extreme weather events - a warm winter, even warmer ...

Research Paper Documents History, Impacts of West ...

A recent research paper presents the state-of-knowledge on harmful algae along the west coast of North America. Along the Pacific coast of North America, from Alaska to Mexico, harmful algal ...

Algae Monitoring Protects Oregon Recreational Shel...

On July 6th, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) announced the closure of recreational mussel harvesting for over 120 miles of ...

Destructive hitchhikers: Tsunami debris hauls inva...

When a floating dock the size of a boxcar washed up on a sandy beach in Oregon, beachcombers got excited because it was the largest piece of debris from last ...

Research Promotes Method to Slow the Spread of Enc...

Colonies of Didemnum vexillum encrusting mussel cages. Okeover Inlet, Malaspina Peninsula, BC, 2003. Photo credit Gordon King (TSF). Dredging channels and cleaning boat hulls or fishing gear in or nearestablished ...

New Test Identifies Low Level Toxin Exposure to Pr...

A NCCOS Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB)-funded study at the University of Washington and the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service laboratory in Seattle has developed a unique ...

NOAA and Partner Scientists Discover Way to Detect...

NOAA scientists and their colleagues have discovered a biological marker in the blood of laboratory zebrafish and marine mammals that shows when they have been repeatedly exposed to low levels ...

Pacific Northwest HAB Project Helps Predict Japane...

Where, how and why harmful algal blooms occur off coastal Washington and Oregon and predicting their arrival on coastal beaches is the goal of the NCCOS sponsored harmful algal bloom ...


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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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