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NOAA and Louisiana Collaborate on Mississippi Rive...

The 5th Annual NOAA/Northern Gulf Institute Gulf Hypoxia Research Coordination Workshop (see "previous workshops - 2014") brought together Louisiana state officials, federal and other state agencies, NGOs, and academic scientists ...

Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Larger than Predicted Aft...

Distribution of bottom-water dissolved oxygen July 28-August 3, 2015 west of the Mississippi River delta. The black line indicates dissolved oxygen levels of less than two miligrams per liter. Credit: ...

NCCOS Hypoxia Forecasts Prove Accurate

For over ten years NCCOS has developed and improved hypoxia (dead zone) forecasts similar to seasonal weather forecasts. The accuracy of these forecasts is proving to be quite good. Professor ...

Oceanic Continental Margin Dead Zones Emerge as Th...

Declines in oxygen levels of coastal waters have accelerated in recent decades creating 'dead zones' not only in more publicized nearshore areas but in open ocean offshore regions of the ...

Reducing the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Using Operat...

A recently released white paper assesses the status of several empirical and deterministic models capable of characterizing Gulf hypoxia, also known as the Gulf dead zone. ' Modeling Approaches for ...

How Climate Change Could Impact Harmful Algal Bloo...

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are projected to increase as sea surface temperatures rise and ocean acidification continues according to Dr. Alan Lewitus, of NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science ...

NOAA Supports Reduction in Gulf of Mexico Nutrient...

From August 12–14, seven of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife-led Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) convened a workshop in Memphis, Tennessee, to improve the allocation of wildlife management actions throughout the ...

Gulf of Mexico Alliance Produces Guide for Monitor...

To improve the efficacy and consistency of toxin assessments and response, the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) produced a guide for Gulf state managers on harmful algal bloom toxin monitoring ...

Average 2014 Gulf of Mexico 'Dead Zone' Confirms N...

NCCOS-supported scientists documented that the 2014 "dead zone" (area of hypoxia, or low oxygen) in the northern Gulf of Mexico west of the Mississippi River delta now covers 5,052 square ...

Advocate for Harmful Algal Bloom Research Honored

Quay Dortch, Ph.D. - program coordinator for NCCOS's Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) Program and acting program manager for NCCOS's Prevention, Control, and Mitigation of Harmful Algal ...


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Data & Publications

Long-term trends in Chesapeake Bay seasonal hypoxia, stratification, and nutrient loading

A previously observed shift in the relationship between Chesapeake Bay hypoxia and nitrogen loading has pressing implications on the efficacy of nutrient management. Detailed temporal analyses of long-term hypoxia, nitrogen loads, and stratification were conducted to reveal different within-summer trends ...

Metabolic balance between ecosystem production and consumption

This chapter reviews research on ecosystem metabolism in coastal environments, focusing on the history of methods development, spatial/temporal variations in rates, controlling factors, and application of these methods to address diverse scientific questions. Essential concepts and widely used terms are ...

Modeling the influence of hypoxia on the potential habitat of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus): a comparison of two methods

Management of marine and estuarine fish and shellfish would benefit from a numerical approach that quantifies the impacts of climate variability and eutrophication. We present a proof-of-concept habitat volume model that incorporates predictions from a 3-dimensional biophysical model. Using temperature, ...

Movement of Juvenile Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) and Spot (Leistomus xanthurus) in Relation to Diel-cycling Hypoxia in an Estuarine Tributary: Assessment Using Acoustic Telemetry

Fish movement and the spatial and temporal dynamics of hypoxia determine hypoxia exposure and the effect of poor water quality on nursery habitat function. Although water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen (DO) are well defined, hypoxia exposure of juvenile estuary-dependent ...

Narragansett Bay hypoxic event characteristics based on fixed-site monitoring network time series: Intermittency, geographic distribution, spatial synchronicity, and interannual variability

Low dissolved oxygen events were characterized in Narragansett Bay (NB), a moderate-size (370 km2) temperate estuary with a complex passage/embayment geometry, using time series from 2001 to 2006 at nine fixed-site monitoring stations. Metrics for event intensity and severity were ...

Natural and human-induced hypoxia and consequences for coastal areas: synthesis and future development

Hypoxia has become a world-wide phenomenon in the global coastal ocean and causes a deterioration of the structure and function of ecosystems. Based on the collective contributions of members of SCOR Working Group #128, the present study provides an overview ...

Nutrient budgets and management actions in the Patuxent River estuary, Maryland

Multi-year nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) budgets were developed for the Patuxent River estuary, a seasonally stratified and moderately eutrophic tributary of Chesapeake Bay. Major inputs (point, diffuse, septic, and direct atmospheric) were measured for 13 years during which, large ...

Oxygen - Dynamics and biogeochemical consequences

Dissolved oxygen is a keystone molecule that is involved in the production, consumption, and cycling of organic matter and inorganic elements in the aquatic environment. The majority of multicellular plants and animals in coastal aquatic ecosystems require oxygen for proper ...

Potential climate-change impacts on the Chesapeake Bay

We review current understanding of the potential impact of climate change on the Chesapeake Bay. Scenarios for CO2 emissions indicate that by the end of the 21st century the Bay region will experience significant changes in climate forcings with respect ...

Sediment Flux Modeling: Calibration and application for coastal systems

Benthic–pelagic coupling in shallow estuarine and coastal environments is an important mode of particle and solute exchange and can influence lag times in the recovery of eutrophic ecosystems. Links between the water column and sediments are mediated by particulate organic ...

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