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Puget Sound Cyst Survey Begins

A project to model favorable habitat areas for the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella is underwayin Washington's Puget Sound. Sediment from nearly 100 sites will be sampled during two cruises in January ...

NOAA awards grant to advance harmful algal bloom w...

Scientists researching harmful algal bloom 'hot spots' off southern and central California have been awarded $821,673 for the first year of an anticipated 5-year $4,076,929 project to investigate methods that ...

Exploring New Ways to Communicate Scientific Resul...

Online social media tools have revolutionized communications. Facebook, You Tube, and Twitter are now commonplace in the private sector and increasingly being used by the federal government. These social media ...

Harmful Algal Blooms Threaten Pacific NW Salmon: N...

In the Pacific Northwest massive blooms of the single-celled alga, Heterosigma akashiwo, can secrete toxins that destroy fish gills, causing suffocation of both wild and farmed fish such as the ...

2011 New England "Red Tide" Outlook and Management...

In April 2011 scientists from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science-funded Gulf of Maine Toxicity (GOMTOX ) project issued an outlook for a moderate regional bloom of the toxic ...

Researchers Report Potential for a Moderate New En...

Scientists from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science-funded Gulf of Maine Toxicity (GOMTOX) project have issued an outlook for a moderate regional bloom of a toxic alga that can ...

Genes Reveal Secrets to Preventing Harmful Brown T...

Brown tide, a harmful algal species that annually plagues mid-Atlantic shellfisheries, owes its success to genes that help it thrive in shallow, nutrient-enriched estuaries, according to new findings from a ...

Common Freshwater Alga Alters Fish Hormones and Ge...

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science-sponsored scientists have discovered that the common bloom-forming, freshwater harmful alga, Microcystis, produces estrogen-like substances that can alter sex hormones in fish, potentially causing feminization ...


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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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